About Us

Our Mission
At Kyanite Mining Corporation, we strive to bring to market consistently high quality Kyanite and Mullite concentrates, produced in an efficient, safe and environmentally sound manner, all the while providing world-class service to our customers. We understand that many industries all over the world depend on the quality of our material and the timeliness of its delivery, and we accept that responsibility with pride and eagerness.
Company Overview
Kyanite Mining Corporation is the world’s largest and oldest producer and supplier of the industrial mineral kyanite and its calcined derivative, Mullite. It holds these distinctions for a reason. The company has been family owned and operated since the 1940s and has remained laser focused on its core business ever since. With millions of tons of reserves, tens of thousands of tons of finished product inventory, and with the capacity to mine, purify, process, and package well over a hundred thousand tons every year, KMC stands ready to meet the needs of its global customer base well into the future. You can trust us to never let you down, and we have the track record to prove it.
Family Owned and Operated For Generations
For decades, the Dixon family has proudly owned and operated Kyanite Mining Corporation, passing down their dedication to putting the needs of their customers first from generation to generation. Safety and efficiency are a top priority in our mining process, and we strive to consistently produce the highest quality Kyanite and Mullite. The Dixons are committed to providing our valued customers with exceptional service and quick, reliable support. At Kyanite Mining Corporation, we continue that tradition and invest for the long term, prioritizing the next generation over short-term gains and always working towards the benefit of our customers.

Capabilities & Facilities
Ore Bodies & Processing Facilities
Kyanite Mining Corporation is built around two separate ore bodies and four separate processing facilities. These assets give the company the ability to produce close to 150,000 tons of highly purified Kyanite every year (and to turn roughly 25,000 tons of that into high quality Mullite). The key to the operation is a state-of-the-art proprietary beneficiation process that takes as its feed a Kyanite-quartzite ore of widely varying grades/impurity loads. It then turns that material into a highly purified, consistent final product that refractory engineers the world over have come to rely on.
Quality Control and R&D Labs
Quality Control Lab & Function
Consistent quality is job #1 at KMC. We have invested heavily in the things that are necessary to ensure that each and every ton of Kyanite and Mullite that makes it into a KMC bag is of the highest quality and consistency. These investments are not just about sophisticated analytical equipment. A highly functioning quality control function needs to be overseen and staffed by well trained professionals that know their job and care deeply about upholding the company’s standards. And this kind of “quality first” mindset can’t just reside in the lab and the quality control department, it has to permeate the entire organization. And at KMC, it does.
R&D Lab and Function
KMC also has invested in a Research / R&D Lab and Function. The aim of this investment is to have, in house, the capability to help our customers work their way through whatever technical issues or questions they may have. This also provides the foundation for the formation of close technical partnerships with our customers.
Reserves, Inventory & Dependability of Supply
KMC owns outright two massive ore bodies that together contain at least several millions of tons worth of reserves. It also has the mineral rights to additional Kyanite ore bodies that undoubtably contain substantial reserves of their own. These ore bodies are so extensive that the company does not know with scientific precision their full extent. Suffice it to say that the company is certain that there are many decades worth of life left in the deposits that it is currently working, and additional decades worth of ore in the untapped deposits that it controls.
Finished Product Inventory
What’s more, the company has invested heavily over the decades in massive bulk storage facilities that can hold tens of thousands of tons of finished product inventory. These facilities are a huge boon to the company’s customers. They are one of the main reasons that KMC can boast of never having turned a customer away or caused a customer to wait on product. No matter what kind of unexpected hiccup might happen in KMC’s mining and beneficiation process, we always have finished product sitting in inventory that can be shipped to any and all customers on a moment’s notice.
A final investment that Kyanite Mining Corporation has made that helps to ensure an uninterrupted supply of product to its global customer base, is an impressive warehouse full of spare parts. We’ve especially invested in items that are big, expensive and that have long lead times. These items are sitting in storage as an insurance policy for our customers. Our goal is to never let you down on leave you hanging, and we put our money where our mouth is.