Quality Control
Quality Control is the cornerstone of our operations here at Kyanite Mining Company. With a steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional products to our industry partners and customers worldwide, we leave no stone unturned in upholding the highest standards of quality in everything we do.
We take immense pride in delivering only the finest and most consistent kyanite on the market today. Our dedication to quality control plays a key role in this. Quality control has been a point of emphasis for the company since the beginning, and we work to continually refine our quality control and beneficiation processes with innovative solutions.
Join us for an in-depth exploration of our Quality Control (QC) process:
Field Testing
Throughout beneficiation, we employ a range of testing methods to verify quality, chemistry, and particle size. Our state-of-the-art equipment and dedicated QC team ensure the effective removal of impurities, consistency, and quality of the final product. From heavy density separation tests in the floatation process to X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis at the dryer, here’s a snapshot of some key testing procedures conducted throughout our beneficiation process:
The Float: This is a water intensive process, and materials must be dried before undergoing testing. Dried material is screened for particle size analysis. A heavy liquid density separation test, called the “sink-float test” is used to determine the efficiency of the process. Quartz, which is less dense than kyanite, floats to the top of a glass tube, while the kyanite sinks to the bottom.
The Dryer: At the dryer, we conduct screening tests and analyze the remaining iron content post magnetic separation. We use an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) field unit to check for removal of iron oxides from the kyanite.
Mullite Plant: At the Mullite plant we conduct a specific gravity test with a helium pycnometer, a device used for measuring and comparing densities or specific gravities. Kyanite has a gravity of 3.65 grams/cubic centimeter(cc) whereas our Mullite has a gravity of around 3.00 grams/cubic centimeter(cc). If the value detected by the helium pycnometer is too high, the kyanite may not have completed the conversion process. Partially converted kyanite is sent back through the process to undergo further calcination.
Mills: At the mills, we conduct screening tests using three different technologies. Coarser products are tested on a Ro-Tap, an industry standard sieve shaker, to verify precise particle size. Finer mesh powders are processed using an air sieve. We also have laser particle size analysis for more detailed results of finer mesh products.
Ro-Tap, Lab Equipment
Laser particle size analyzer, Lab Equipment
Quality Control Lab
Bill Coleman, at an “early days” trade show.
The Coleman Lab, after Bill Coleman, former General Manager of KMC, is home to our Quality Control staff and equipment. The lab tests hourly samples from the plants as well as committed and uncommitted lots of finished products. The field tests allow the operators to make changes to the process in real time, but all official testing and reporting is done by the QC Lab. Some of the key tests include:
Screening: The lab has two Ro-Taps as well as air sieves to give the final say on particle sizing. An average day sees 80-100 screening tests.
XRF: The large XRF at the main lab analyzes the chemistry of the samples. Important oxides to analyze include alumina, silica, and iron oxide. The machine can see up to 100 samples a day.
X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Lab Equipment
Field XRF, Lab Equipment
XRD: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is used to determine the different mineral phases of the samples. We use this machine to examine the amount of kyanite in the ore body to determine process recovery figures. XRD is also how we verify calcination of kyanite to mullite as it is much more accurate than the field specific gravity test. We check 30-40 samples a day with this XRD system.
Non-Conforming Materials
Early identification of non-conforming materials during the beneficiation process is crucial. If material fails to meet our stringent quality standards, it is re-run through earlier steps to ensure that only the highest quality products make it onto the market.
If we discover inconsistencies when testing material made from the Float, the wet belt conveyor changes routes, isolating the concentrate material from the rest of the storage area. Further testing is done to verify or disprove the initial testing. If it fails specifications, the material is then sent backward to repeat the floatation process. If it passes, the material is mixed in with the rest of the concentrate in the wet bin. A similar process is followed at the Dryer, with non-conforming material being sent back to the wet bin to repeat the drying and iron removal steps.
The Warehouse: Any non-compliant material in our warehouse is immediately quarantined. If it fails a second round of testing, the material is disposed of and replaced.
Additional Quality Control Measures
Our commitment to quality extends beyond the production floor. We maintain a comprehensive internal database called the KOMS Database, which enables us to track and compare process efficiencies, customer lots, and product chemistry over time. We have results of every step of the process and shipped lots of material going back over 15 years.
We also have our own in-house quality control manual, which covers everything from testing procedures to company policies to nonconforming materials. Our Quality Control Manager reviews and updates the manual yearly to ensure compliance and that we are adopting the best practices. Copies of this manual are kept digitally and at locations throughout KMC to ensure adherence and consistency.
What Sets Us Apart?
We recently received this EXCELLENT question from a newsletter subscriber: “How are you maintaining an edge in quality and consistency of your product from start to finish?”
At Kyanite Mining Company, Quality Control is embedded in our company culture. Our relentless pursuit of quality and consistency in all aspects of our business, coupled with cutting-edge technology and a dedicated team of experts, ensures that our products always meet the highest standards of quality and consistency.
Made for Inventory, Not Made to Order: At Kyanite Mining Corporation, our approach to product manufacturing is distinct. When we make products, we don’t make them to order, we make them for inventory. This fundamental aspect of our philosophy guarantees that we consistently have prequalified inventory on hand and that every product leaving our facility meets our rigorous quality standards.
Meticulous Quality Control Process: We rigorously test samples and measure efficiencies at every stage of our beneficiation process. Resources including our KOMS database and internal QC Manual provide valuable quality and consistency benchmarks. We use this data to continuously improve efficiency and drive innovation within our operations.
Cutting-Edge Technology: We invest in the most advanced tools on the market to ensure product quality, consistency, and excellence. Our XRF and XRD machines are state-of-the-art tools that while costly, are worth every penny. Having a field XRF is not a standard industry practice, but it is for KMC. Contact us to come and see some of our equipment in action!
Expert Team: We have a dedicated QC team with over 160 years of combined experience. Our QC Manager, Lab Manager, Quality Data Analyst, Warehouse Logistics Manager, Head Lab Technician, Lab Techs, and R&D Techs champion our QC program.
For questions about our QC process or to learn more, get in touch!